Inner healing, music for inner healing Rachel Devine Inner healing, music for inner healing Rachel Devine

The Power of Music: Enhancing Our Lives One Melody at a Time - Rachel Devine

At its core, music holds the capacity to resonate deeply within us, evoking a wide range of emotions and serving as a catalyst for inner healing. By tapping into our emotions, music can help us process and release pent-up feelings, alleviate stress and anxiety, and foster a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being.

Studies have shown that engaging with music, whether through listening, playing an instrument, or singing, can stimulate the release of various neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of pleasure, happiness, and emotional regulation. Moreover, music has been found to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, contributing to a reduction in anxiety and an overall calming effect on the mind and body.

Music is the epicenter of many lives. The melodies, the lyrics, and the mood are all incorporated into the feelings a song invokes. Music does make the world a better place. However, did you know that music can be healing? Did you know that music can raise your endorphin levels? Did you know that music can benefit your health? Let’s take a look at how music can benefit our lives.

Music is more than just an art form or source of entertainment; it is a potent force that can profoundly impact our emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being. Throughout history, humans have harnessed the power of music for inner healing, expression, and inner exploration. In our modern age, scientific research has shed light on the remarkable benefits that music can provide, validating what artists and music lovers have known for eons. Inner healing music can enrich your life in a myriad of ways.

Inner Healing and Emotional Balance

At its core, music holds the capacity to resonate deeply within us, evoking a wide range of emotions and serving as a catalyst for inner healing. By tapping into our emotions, music can help us process and release pent-up feelings, alleviate stress and anxiety, and foster a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being.

Studies have shown that engaging with music, whether through listening, playing an instrument, or singing, can stimulate the release of various neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of pleasure, happiness, and emotional regulation. Moreover, music has been found to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, contributing to a reduction in anxiety and an overall calming effect on the mind and body.

Enhancing Mood and Raising Endorphins

Beyond its emotional benefits, music has a remarkable impact on our physiological state, particularly in terms of mood enhancement and the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood-boosters. Research has demonstrated that listening to music we enjoy can stimulate the production of endorphins, leading to a heightened sense of pleasure, euphoria, and even pain relief.

This endorphin release can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain, depression, or other mood disorders. By uplifting our spirits and promoting positive emotions, music can serve as a powerful tool in managing these conditions and improving overall quality of life.

Health Benefits and Improved Well-Being

The benefits of music extend beyond the emotional and psychological realms, offering tangible physical and physiological advantages as well. For instance, studies have shown that music can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and promote better sleep patterns, all of which contribute to improved cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

Additionally, music has been found to enhance cognitive performance, improving memory, focus, and concentration. This can be particularly beneficial for students, professionals, and individuals seeking to boost their productivity and mental acuity.

Embracing the Power of Music

In a world often marked by stress, anxiety, and physical and emotional challenges, the transformative power of music stands as a beacon of hope and healing. By incorporating music into our daily lives, whether through active engagement or simply appreciative listening, we can tap into a profound source of emotional nourishment, inner healing, and overall well-being.


Whether it's listening to a soothing melody to alleviate stress, playing an instrument as a form of self-expression, or joining a choir to foster social connections, the benefits of music are vast and far-reaching. So, embrace the power of music, and let its harmonies and rhythms enrich your life, nurture your spirit, and enhance your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

What songs do you love that transforms your life with joy? Please put them in the comments.

Rachel Devine

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center

Rachel’s books

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Inner healing Rachel Devine Inner healing Rachel Devine

The Sound of Silence - Rachel Devine

Dr. Wayne Dyer was a renowned author and spiritual leader. He said, in essence, that it is the silence between the notes that makes the music. As I reflect on this, I believe it is the silence in our own lives that makes the music. If we listen carefully, we will hear with our hearts, not our ears. Silence is the melody of our lives. It is in the silence that we can hear the whisper of God beckoning us through our intuition. Intuition is the notes between the melody of our lives and directs on a clear path that we have chosen and God has guided us on.

Dr. Wayne Dyer was a renowned author and spiritual leader. He said, in essence, that it is the silence between the notes that makes the music. As I reflect on this, I believe it is the silence in our own lives that makes the music. If we listen carefully, we will hear with our hearts, not our ears. Silence is the melody of our lives. It is in the silence that we can hear the whisper of God beckoning us through our intuition. Intuition is the notes between the melody of our lives and directs on a clear path that we have chosen and God has guided us on.

My cousin recently died from a long battle with cancer. I was so sad for him, and I wanted to drive to South Plainfield for his wake, but I didn’t want to go alone. I had a little falling out with a friend, Judy, and I didn’t want to call her and ask for a favor. We spoke around a week ago. I was standing in my kitchen the night before the wake, and I just thought, ‘If Judy calls me and goes to the wake with me, I will go.’ It was a couple of minutes that passed, when Judy called me. I was amazed at this synchronized connection from God! When I asked her to go to the wake, she replied, “Of course I will go with you!”

I was really astonished by the fact that my thoughts connected to Judy’s thoughts, and she called me. I believe it was God’s will for me to go to the wake. It was in the silence of my mind that my intuition took over, and of course God made it all happen in His glorious, loving way. We can only access this inner voice, which is the power of God, in the silence, in the calm, and in the serenity of our minds. It really is the sound of silence where miracles are birthed.

How many times did you think about someone and then they called you, or maybe you saw them in the bank or in the supermarket?

I remember talking to Judy about a friend who moved to Delaware. And the next day I went to the local supermarket, and behold, right in the produce aisle was the friend we were talking about. Think about all that had to transpire for me to be in that exact moment in time that this friend was. She said she was visiting her sister from Delaware for Easter and just happened to wind up in the supermarket at the same time I did. Coincidence? Or divine intervention? You get to choose.

I know for me, it was divine intervention, and I have had many similar divine, grace filled moments in the past. And I am grateful for each one. Awareness is the key to listening to the silence of our intuition and heart. It is in the silence that miracles happen. The sound of silence is a sweet melody only you can hear in the quiet of your mind. Sit in silence and see what transpires in your life.

And remember, it is in the silence that divine inner healing takes place on all levels.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The Power of Music for Inner Child Healing - Rachel Devine

I remember recently hearing a Beatles song that my mother loved, I want to hold your hand, and I was instantly transported to my house in Woodside, NY to an innocent time in the 1960s, relishing in that long-forgotten memory. Or when I hear the song, Kumbaya, I remember my grammar school graduation. Have you ever had a time when you heard a song that instantly transported you mentally to a forgotten time from your past? Music has the power to bring us back to a place and time that is tucked away in our subconscious mind, where our inner child dwells.

We all have an "inner child" within us—the childlike part of ourselves that holds onto the emotions, beliefs, and wounds from our childhood experiences. Healing this inner child is an important part of personal growth and self-acceptance for many people. One powerful tool for accessing and nurturing your inner child is music. Memories from listening to music are important to connect the power of music to the inner child's healing. Let’s explore the power of music and its healing benefits.

I remember recently hearing a Beatles song that my mother loved, I want to hold your hand, and I was instantly transported to my house in Woodside, NY to an innocent time in the 1960s, relishing in that long-forgotten memory. Or when I hear the song, Kumbaya, I remember my grammar school graduation. Have you ever had a time when you heard a song that instantly transported you mentally to a forgotten time from your past? Music has the power to bring us back to a place and time that is tucked away in our subconscious mind, where our inner child dwells.

We all have an "inner child" within us—the childlike part of ourselves that holds onto the emotions, beliefs, and wounds from our childhood experiences. Healing this inner child is an important part of personal growth and self-acceptance for many people. One powerful tool for accessing and nurturing your inner child is music. Memories from listening to music are important to connect the power of music to the inner child's healing. Let’s explore the power of music and its healing benefits.

The therapeutic benefits of music

Music has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. It can induce physiological changes by slowing the pulse and decreasing levels of stress hormones. Music also triggers the release of mood-regulating chemicals like dopamine that make us feel good. But beyond these biological effects, music speaks to us on a deeply emotional and even spiritual level.

The right music can take us back to the feelings and memories of our childhood in a profound way. Certain songs seem to strike a resonant chord within our inner child. When we engage with this music in an open, accepting way, it creates a safe space for our childlike emotions, beliefs, and traumas to surface and be acknowledged. This process of giving a "voice" to the inner child through music can be incredibly healing and therapeutic.

Using Music for Inner Child Work

There are many ways to incorporate music into your inner child's healing journey. One simple approach is to make a playlist of songs that resonated with you as a child or adolescent. As you listen to these songs as an adult, pay attention to the thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations that come up. You may be surprised at how vividly these old songs can conjure up memories and feelings from your childhood.

You can take this a step further by doing some active inner child work while listening to the music. For example, you might write a letter or have an imaginary dialogue with your inner child, expressing the love, validation, and nurturing that he or she needs. Or you could engage in creative expression like drawing, dancing, or acting out scenes from your childhood while playing meaningful music.

Certain genres of music, like lullabies, nursery rhymes, and children's songs, can be particularly evocative for doing inner child work. Even if you don't remember specific childhood associations with these songs, their inherently soothing, simple, and often imaginative qualities can facilitate a sense of innocence, safety, and comfort for your inner child.

Reparenting yourself with music

As you listen to nurturing, comforting music, you can hold a pillow, doll, or stuffed animal and mentally envision your inner child and speak to yourself as a caring parent figure, providing the love, understanding, and reassurance that your child needs to feel secure. You might recall a time you felt alone as a child, unsafe, or scared. If these feelings come up, you can be the parent to the inner child and let your child know they are safe; they need not fear, and that child is never alone because you are acknowledging your inner child and his or her feelings.

Music Therapy

In general, music therapy provides a range of health benefits, both physical and mental/emotional. Here are some of the key health benefits of music therapy:

Physical Benefits

  • Pain management: music can help reduce perceived levels of pain and promote relaxation in patients.

  • Improved respiratory function: Listening to music can improve respiration rates, oxygen saturation, and breath intake.

  • Improved cardiovascular health: Music can positively impact heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure levels.

Mental/Emotional Benefits

  • Stress and anxiety reduction: The relaxing effects of music can significantly decrease levels of stress and anxiety.

  • Improved mood: Music releases dopamine in the brain, helping to elevate mood and counteract depression.

  • Increased motivation: The energizing effects of music can boost motivation and drive patients.

  • Enhanced communication: For patients with difficulty communicating, music can provide an alternative channel for self-expression.

  • Memory and cognitive stimulation: music taps into different brain systems and can help stimulate memory recall and cognition.

Overall, music accesses the brain in very unique ways compared to talk therapy alone. When applied skillfully by a trained music therapist, it can facilitate healing across multiple domains—physiological, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual.

In closing, remember that the path of inner child healing through music is a highly personalized journey. You may need to experiment with different types of music and approaches to find what resonates and facilitates this special process for you. You might also enlist a skilled music therapist to help you along the way. Be patient, keep an open mind and heart, and allow the music to work its gentle magic.


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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Benefits to Being Present in the Moment - Rachel Devine

Life unfolds in the current moment. Yet so often we mentally time-travel back to the past or into the future, missing the gift of the present. We look back on the past with regrets or look towards the future with worry. The one thing most of us forget is the present moment is really all we have. The future is not promised to anyone, and the past is just an illusion in our mind that no longer exists. Being present in the moment has scientifically validated benefits for physical and mental well-being, as well as spiritual awakening. Let’s look at ways on how to practice being present. The present is the place where dreams become our reality.

Life unfolds in the current moment. Yet so often we mentally time-travel back to the past or into the future, missing the gift of the present. We look back on the past with regrets or look towards the future with worry. The one thing most of us forget is that the present moment is really all we have. The future is not promised to anyone, and the past is just an illusion in our minds that no longer exists. Being present in the moment has scientifically validated benefits for physical and mental well-being, as well as spiritual awakening. Let’s look at ways to practice being present. The present is the place where dreams become our reality.

Being present lowers stress

Stress often arises when attention fixates on regrets, future worries, or trying to control circumstances or problems. Research shows present-moment awareness activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing anxiety and lowering heart rate and blood pressure.

As Eckhart Tolle, the author of The Power of Now, advises, “The key is to have your attention on the now—not the problem, but the result you want.” Transform life’s moments by awakening to the richness available in your senses whenever you redirect focus to the present.

According to Eckhart Tolle, “Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there.’ Centering in the now neutralizes stress by aligning how you feel with where you are. The present is all there ever is.

Boosts in Joy and Performance

Mindfulness boosts the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Brain scans reveal happier people exhibit more present-moment focus. Heightened attention also drives excellence by enhancing productivity, focus, and creativity.

"Wherever you are, be there totally." Eckhart Tolle

Immune System and Cellular Health

Studies link present-moment awareness to improved immunity and telomere length, a biomarker of longevity and health at the cellular level. Mindfulness appears to slow cellular aging through positive genetic changes influenced by decreased psychological stress. Anything you can do to decrease stress will benefit your health and wellness. Staying in the moment seems like a good option. However, it isn’t easy, and it does take some focused effort. But the benefits far outweigh the energy that you put into it.

Spiritual Awakening

Most mystical traditions teach that enlightenment unfolds in the ever-unfolding now. Being immersed in the eternal present brings glimpses of timeless consciousness and cultivating non-attachment. And one very important factor is this: The only place you can access your higher power, or God, is in the moment. God’s Spirit is never in the past or the future. God’s Spirit dwells within all of us, and connecting to that Spirit happens in the moment. When one connects with prayer, they are in the moment, in a sacred place of power. The power of prayer is beyond anyone’s scope, and yet it only happens in the moment.

As Louise Hay teaches, “A powerful way to stay conscious and present is to constantly remain aware of the energy in your hands.” In other words, bringing awareness to the sensations in the hands—slight pulsing, warmth, and tingling—gives you an energetic focal point to keep you present. By continually returning focus to actively noticing the "energy" or aliveness in the hands, it gives the busy mind something specific to pay attention to right now.

And all of this will make your life so much happier.

Ways to be Present

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, "Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different." Refocusing on the present is a skill developed through practices like the following:

  • Meditation: sit quietly, noticing your breath and sensations.

  • Yoga: synchronize movement and breath together in the moment.

  • Nature immersion: absorb sights, sounds, and smells fully.

  • Conscious walking: feel each footstep, sync to your rhythm, and gaze at nature.

  • Mindful eating: savor flavors and textures intently.

  • Listening to music: be absorbed in the melody and beat.

  • Arts and crafts channel focus into the creative process.

  • Observing thoughts: watch them arise and pass without attachment.

  • Daily routines: make activities like brushing your teeth mindful.

And remember, “This moment is all we have. Don’t believe me? Try to capture the previous moment or the future moment and change it.” Rachel Devine from The Third Road.

Life is too short to live in the past or worry about the future. Grab onto each moment. Moments turn into hours, hours to days, days to weeks, and before you know it, years are squandered away. Start living in the now.

 Rachel Devine, The Third Road

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

How to Process the Pain of Grief - Rachel Devine

Grief is part of life. Everything that lives will eventually die. This is the cycle of life and death. However, this fact does not make the grief less painful.

We lost a priest, Father Zuk, in our community, and his funeral was this week. He was only 50 years old. I knew him to be a kind person with a big heart. It was a very sad funeral mass, with many people trying to make sense of his death. As I was driving to the cemetery for the priests’ funeral with a friend, my brother called to tell me my cousin Robert had died. Robert battled a long four years of pain and suffering with cancer. He really wanted to live, but God had other plans. I was his champion, by his side to pray for his recovery and put out prayer requests, but God had another plan. I felt bad because I was meaning to call him in the last few weeks; the last time I spoke to him was a few months ago. I believe he died at home.

Grief is part of life. Everything that lives will eventually die. This is the cycle of life and death. However, this fact does not make the grief less painful.

We lost an amazing priest in our community, Father Richard Zuk, and his funeral was this week. He was only 50 years old. I knew him to be a kind person with a big heart. It was a very sad funeral mass, with many people trying to make sense of his death. As I was driving to the cemetery for the priests’ funeral with a friend, my brother called to tell me my cousin Robert had died. Robert battled a long four years of pain and suffering with cancer. He really wanted to live, but God had other plans. I was his champion, by his side to pray for his recovery and put out prayer requests, but God had another plan. Robert’s faith was unwavering and I know how much he loves God. I felt bad because I was meaning to call him in the last few weeks; the last time I spoke to him was a few months ago. I believe he died at home.

My friend said at the funeral for the priest that he was numb, as I felt the same way on Tuesday with all that was transpiring with two fine men dying. As I struggled to make sense of it all, I knew I had to process the grief, so I started to review ways I learned in the past to sit with grief and feel the feelings. The same process I write about and tell others in my coaching to use. I also knew that if I didn’t process the grief now, it would come back out of left field in the future as a major trigger with painful emotions much worse than what I feel now.

So, I stopped being busy yesterday, sat with the painful feelings, and allowed myself to feel the pain of grief and cry. Crying is cleansing and part of grieving. My friend said a long time ago, “In order to heal, we have to sit and feel the pain.” Now, who wants to feel the pain? I know I don’t, but I do know that feeling the pain of grief is crucial for inner healing. Pain cannot be pushed away, it gets buried deep within and will come out some time in the future when we least expect it.

So I took the steps I tell others to take. I started journaling about how I felt about both of these men, and it helped put some clarity on the grief. At least I was connecting to the painful loss and not ignoring it or stuffing the feelings deep within. I also spoke about my grief to a friend. As the saying goes, “We are only as sick as our secrets.” Therefore, talking about grief is very therapeutic.

So to recap, journal about your feelings, sit with the feelings of grief, talk to people about it, and allow yourself time to ponder the grief and cry. Crying is therapeutic and part of the grieving process. Give yourself at least a week to process the grief, and longer if needed. It’s okay to be sad, in fact, it is a great way to healing the pain.

And the final component is prayer. I pray every morning, and I each morning I would pray for my cousin Robert’s recovery to good health. This morning, I had to pray for his soul. It made me very sad that my prayers turned from life to death. What I learned is not my will, but God’s will prevails. For whatever reason that is beyond my comprehension, God called back Father Zuk and Robert Bernard to be with Him. I can pray for the grief-stricken family and these two men's souls to enter eternal life. I can also pray that God grant me the process of grieving at this time, with the comfort of knowing that the Spirit of God that dwells in all of us is there for my comfort and support. And remember the death and resurrection of Christ, with His promise of eternal life and hope for all who went before us.

Rachel Devine

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.

For free resources.

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Inner child Rachel Devine Inner child Rachel Devine

Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming Depression Rooted in Childhood Trauma - Rachel Devine

You might be wondering why your life doesn’t seem to be as happy as you want it to be. You might be fighting depression and feelings of hopelessness and may not even know where these feelings are coming from. Unfortunately, our subconscious mind holds almost all emotions from everything that happened in the past and does unleash it’s negativity onto our lives in the present without any notice. It's increasingly recognized that childhood trauma and adverse experiences can have a profound effect on mental health later in life, often manifesting as depression in adulthood. The impact of emotional neglect, abuse, the loss of a parent, domestic violence, or other traumatic events can create long-lasting psychological wounds and negative core beliefs about oneself.

Let’s take a look at these inner child wounds and ways to recover from the negativity from the past to alleviate the depression that may be plaguing you in the present time.

You might be wondering why your life doesn’t seem to be as happy as you want it to be. You might be fighting depression and feelings of hopelessness and may not even know where these feelings are coming from. Unfortunately, our subconscious mind holds almost all emotions from everything that happened in the past and does unleash it’s negativity onto our lives in the present without any notice. It's increasingly recognized that childhood trauma and adverse experiences can have a profound effect on mental health later in life, often manifesting as depression in adulthood. The impact of emotional neglect, abuse, the loss of a parent, domestic violence, or other traumatic events can create long-lasting psychological wounds and negative core beliefs about oneself.

Let’s take a look at these inner child wounds and ways to recover from the negativity from the past to alleviate the depression that may be plaguing you in the present time.

Overcoming depression!

How Childhood Trauma Leads to Adult Depression

Traumatic childhood events can lead to complex feelings from the past of shame and insecurity, and a lack of self-worth that persist long after the trauma occurred. Past inner child wounds can also cause depression, hopelessness and a feeling of self-loathing, just to name a few. This inner critic and negative self-talk increases vulnerability to anxiety and clinical depression over time. It’s important to recognize the inner negativity that may creep up on your day in the form of negative self-talk. The deep seated wounds are in the subconscious mind and drive your life. The key is to try to reverse the negative past to a positive present moment.

Healing childhood trauma!

Healing Childhood Trauma to Overcome Depression

While the impact of childhood trauma runs deep, there is hope for healing and undoing the mental anguish and depressive symptoms rooted in the past. Again, the key is to work on the subconscious mind where the trauma is stored. Some powerful techniques include the following:

Inner Child Work—visualizations, inner child letter writing, and reparenting your inner child through work and internal family systems therapy—can rematrix core childhood wounds. Inner-child healing is possible with some effort. Nurturing your inner child is key to healing the wounds from childhood.

EMDR Therapy: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy using bilateral brain stimulation to reprocess and resolve traumatic memories.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: CBT helps identify and change negative thought patterns, core beliefs, and cognitive distortions stemming from adverse childhood events.

Trauma-Focused Therapies: Other top modalities include prolonged exposure therapy, emotion-focused therapy, and accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP), which foster emotional release and new experiences of feeling safe and secure.

Mindfulness Practices: Mindfulness meditation, self-compassion work, and practices cultivating self-love help quiet the inner critic and build emotional resilience.

Positive affirmations: Feeding yourself positive affirmations is a way to manifest change for the subconscious to a positive, which holds the trauma and negative experiences. Keep telling yourself you are worthy, you are loved, you are valued, and you are loveable. Saying I love you daily to yourself is a positive affirmation that is valuable to healing old childhood wounds of perhaps not feeling so loved.

Brainspotting: Brainspotting is a way to clear the subcortical brain, better known as the subconscious, of negative experiences from the past. Brainspotting can penetrate the subconscious and clear the mind of trauma from the past.

Somatic Therapy: Body-oriented approaches like somatic therapy can help resolve trapped trauma in the body. Breathwork, sensorimotor psychotherapy, massages and other mind-body practices promote healing.

Your mental health does matter!

It’s important to recognize that most depression has roots in childhood trauma and negative experiences. This awareness is crucial to inner healing. With patience, commitment to the inner work, and the right therapeutic approach, it is possible to break the cycle—replacing depressive core beliefs with self-compassion and self-love, which will assist in undoing the impacts of childhood adversity—to alleviate the depression and get back to being happy again.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.

Discover the Power of the Secret Within - On Amazon now!

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Inner child Rachel Devine Inner child Rachel Devine

Inner Child Healing Techniques for Emotional Wounds - Rachel Devine

Life has its ups and downs and peaks and valleys. It’s all part of the journey. However, when life becomes more of a burden than a joy, it’s time to take back your life. The center of our adversity often lies in the fact that we have some unfinished business from the past. This unfinished business can creep into our lives in unexpected ways. It usually comes in the form of anger, fear, or mistrust towards a situation or people in our lives. The inner child is usually at the center of the negative emotions that comes out when we least expect it.

There are many negative emotions that come out of childhood. However, let’s take a look at these 3 prominent emotions and see how we can connect them to the inner child healing techniques:

Life has its ups and downs and peaks and valleys. It’s all part of the journey. However, when life becomes more of a burden than a joy, it’s time to take back your life. The center of our adversity often lies in the fact that we have some unfinished business from the past. This unfinished business can creep into our lives in unexpected ways. It usually comes in the form of anger, fear, or mistrust towards a situation or people in our lives. The inner child is usually at the center of the negative emotions that comes out when we least expect it.

There are many negative emotions that come out of childhood. However, let’s take a look at these 3 prominent emotions and see how we can connect them to the inner child healing techniques:

Inner child anger

Inner-child anger is when you have unresolved anger from childhood. This can stem from your parents not being there for you emotionally, or perhaps from getting shamed or bullied. Some people carry around resentments and anger for years from their inner child wounds. Unfortunately, the anger is lying dormant until it is activated by a trigger. A trigger is an emotion come from a past memory and reminds us of a childhood wound. All of a sudden, out of the blue, the anger erupts like a pandora’s box from the past just flipped open. All of this is done on an unconscious level, since our locked emotions are in the subconscious mind, where we don’t have conscious access to.

Inner Child Fear

Inner child fear works in the same way anger does. There is some fear from childhood that was unresolved, and it sits dormant in our subconscious mind. During a trigger, fear erupts. I will give you an example from my own situation when a trigger brought on intense fear.

When I was 7 years old, my grandmother suddenly died. We went to the funeral, and her coffin was open. I remember my mother and her siblings going past the coffin and kissing my grandmother. My mother motioned for me to come to the coffin. I stood in the back of the church, alone and feeling petrified from fear. I was so afraid I would be forced to go up to the coffin. Now, fast forward to 2018, when my beloved and best friend, Luke, who was my Siberian husky, died. His death triggered the incident in the church with my grandmother, and I was filled with fear—the same petrified fear I felt as I stood alone in the back of the church as my mother was beckoning me to go up to the coffin. That was an unresolved fear from childhood that was buried in my subconscious mind, which suddenly erupted when my dog passed away. Thankfully, I was able to work through the intense fear with a very knowledgeable therapist.

Inner Child Mistrust

Again, the same premise applies to inner child mistrust. When a child is in a situation where they were perhaps sexually abused, had parents who were addicts who were not present, or just parents who could not provide a safe living space, this all creates a mistrusting nature. Additionally, it brings on the other two emotions of anger and fear. This can cause havoc in all forms of relationships, from romantic to friendships.

Let’s explore the following 7 inner child healing techniques:

Recognize your inner child through journaling

In order to heal the inner child wounds from the past, the first step is to recognize your inner child as a real part of your life. It is also important to recognize the patterns and what transpired in your childhood. Try to look back on your childhood and identify areas where you may have developed anger, fear, or mistrust. I suggest you look at any issues in your present life and look back on your childhood and journal about any patterns you find. Then, when you have the pattern in place, do some more journaling on how you felt in the past and how you feel now. Trying to recognize a pattern from an incident in childhood that relates to an incident in adulthood is a good starting point. Journaling is a great way to get in touch with your feelings.

Go back to your childhood

The second inner child technique is to go back to an incident in your childhood where your inner child needed support and love. You can go back in time through your imagination and visualization. You can visualize on a time in your life when you really needed someone to be there for you during times of anger, fear, or mistrust. Just sit and put yourself in the scene of what transpired, and be the parent to your inner child. You can speak soothing words to your inner child or hug your inner child in your imagination. This will bring amazing healing and comfort to your inner child. The more you comfort your inner child, the fewer the triggers will be in the future. If you can do this often, you will find some peace with your past.

Feel the feelings

You have to sit with the feelings. It doesn’t feel good to get wrapped up in anger or fear from the past, but it’s crucial to healing. When you sit with your inner child, embrace the emotions. It will help you heal. The only way to heal is to feel the pain from the past and then let it go. It’s a natural process of letting go. You can envision putting the emotion in a balloon and watching it drift away into the sky. Or handing the emotion over to God or your Higher Power.

Lean on your faith

Lean on your Higher Power, or God. It’s important to have a spiritual entity you trust and love to be there with you through this healing process. Stay in prayer, meditate, or light some candles, and stay in faith. Faith is important when one is feeling uneasy. Faith is a guiding light that comforts us in times of vulnerability.

Inner Child Affirmations

Use positive affirmations like "I am worthy of love" or "I deserve to feel safe" or “You are safe and I will take care of you.” This will help to reprogram limiting beliefs from childhood. Visualize the words sinking into your inner child’s heart. Using positive affirmations is a great way to reprogram the subconscious mind to a positive state. It’s also a great way to reparent your inner child.

Inner Child props

Use drawings, photos, or objects to symbolize and interact with your inner child in an experiential reparenting process. You can put a picture of yourself as a child where you can see it daily. Use the picture to tell your inner child how loved he/she is and how much you are going to be there for him or her.

Seek professional help

It is important to get professional help from a therapist or a life coach who specializes in inner child healing. Having someone to bounce off emotions is crucial since unlocking the anger and fear from childhood can be overwhelming. It’s imperative to get a good therapist to help you with this journey. The benefits will far outweigh the emotional pain you may feel from unlocking the inner child. Trauma is usually at the core of our inner child wounds. There are several techniques a good therapist can use to help you.

Many types of therapy are useful for trauma. Some examples of trauma therapy include:

These different techniques can help you with inner child pain in one session. For instance, brainspotting can unlock different negative emotions and trauma from the subconscious mind. Once the trauma is cleared, the fear or anger associated with it also dissipates. However, there are usually layers to unlock, like peeling an onion, so be patient with the process.

In closing, I want to emphasize that these inner child techniques are just suggestions and do not replace professional therapy; they enhance professional therapy. I have used these techniques, and they do work. I have also used therapy to help with inner child wounds. Remember, inner child work is emotionally messy, and you may feel more angry or fearful, but with patience and continued work, you will come out on the other side with a liberated emotional state of happiness and joy.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing the Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

What is Inner Child Healing and How Can it Transform Your Life? Rachel Devine

Inner child healing is a process of emotional and spiritual healing from past inner wounds, trauma, and pain to alleviate adverse negative wounds that continue to affect one’s life as an adult.

Many of us, including myself, have found ourselves either in a rut or with a continuous challenge in life. For instance, you may have wanted to lose weight for years but couldn’t make any progress. Or perhaps you want to start a new business, but you aren’t quite able to get started. Or maybe you have continuous romantic relationship issues. Or perhaps continuous problems with family or work. Usually, these issues stem from blocks that formed from inner wounds from our past. These blocks lay heavy on our subconscious mind, where we are not even aware of the problem.

Buried in each of us is some kind of childhood or past wound that is lying dormant. Unfortunately, these wounds dictate the direction our lives will go. It’s incredible to know that our subconscious mind dictates 95% of our life actions! That’s an astonishing fact to digest. Most of our automatic actions in a day or our decisions are dictated by our subconscious. Therefore, if you have buried wounds in the subconscious mind, these wounds will block you from moving forward in life. The reason these blocks are inhibiting us is that the same old negative tapes are playing in our heads from the past that caused the inner child's subconscious mind wounds.

Inner child healing is a way to get to the root of the problem. There are ways to penetrate the subconscious mind to change it from a negative to a positive way of thinking. The good news is that we can change our subconscious to a positive state that will drive our lives in a positive direction. Inner-child healing is the pathway to that freedom.

Inner child healing is a process of emotional and spiritual healing from past inner wounds, trauma, and pain to alleviate adverse negative wounds that continue to affect one’s life as an adult.

Many of us, including myself, have found ourselves either in a rut or with a continuous challenge in life. For instance, you may have wanted to lose weight for years but couldn’t make any progress. Or perhaps you want to start a new business, but you aren’t quite able to get started. Or maybe you have continuous romantic relationship issues. Or perhaps continuous problems with family or work. Usually, these issues stem from blocks that formed from inner wounds from our past. These blocks lay heavy on our subconscious mind, where we are not even aware of the problem.

Buried in each of us is some kind of childhood or past wound that is lying dormant. Unfortunately, these wounds dictate the direction our lives will go. It’s incredible to know that our subconscious mind dictates 95% of our life actions! That’s an astonishing fact to digest. Most of our automatic actions in a day or our decisions are dictated by our subconscious. Therefore, if you have buried wounds in the subconscious mind, these wounds will block you from moving forward in life. The reason these blocks are inhibiting us is that the same old negative tapes are playing in our heads from the past that caused the inner child's subconscious mind wounds.

Inner child healing is a way to get to the root of the problem. There are ways to penetrate the subconscious mind to change it from a negative to a positive way of thinking. The good news is that we can change our subconscious to a positive state that will drive our lives in a positive direction. Inner-child healing is the pathway to that freedom.

Inner child healing is possible.

Techniques for inner child healing:

  1. Journaling and Self-Reflection: Writing about one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences can promote self-awareness and facilitate the processing of emotions. Journaling can be a powerful tool for inner healing.

  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices such as mindfulness meditation can help individuals cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and develop a greater sense of inner peace and self-acceptance.

  3. Inner Child Work: This approach involves reconnecting with and nurturing one's inner child, the part of the self that experienced wounds or traumas in childhood. It can involve visualization, inner dialogues, or symbolic activities. It is recommended that you do this inner child work with a professional.

  4. Energy Healing Techniques: Some individuals find techniques like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, brainspotting, or other energy healing modalities helpful in releasing emotional blockages and promoting inner healing.

  5. Support Groups: Participating in support groups with individuals who have had similar experiences can provide a sense of community, validation, and shared understanding, which can be invaluable in the healing process.

  6. Inner Healing Therapy and Counseling: Working with a qualified therapist or counselor can provide a safe and supportive environment for exploring and addressing past wounds. Modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, or trauma-focused therapies can be highly effective.

It's important to note that inner child healing is a deeply personal journey, and different techniques may resonate with different individuals. It's often helpful to explore various approaches and seek guidance from qualified professionals to find the most effective path to healing and growth.

Happy & healthy father and son.

Benefits of inner child healing:

  1. Emotional Freedom: Inner child healing helps individuals release emotional baggage, such as fear, anger, resentment, or shame, that may have been carried from past experiences. This emotional freedom allows for a more positive and fulfilling life.

  2. Improved Relationships: By addressing and healing past wounds, individuals can develop healthier relationships with themselves and others. They become more capable of trust, intimacy, and effective communication.

  3. Increased Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance: The process of inner healing often involves gaining a deeper understanding of oneself, including one's strengths, weaknesses, and core values. This self-awareness can lead to greater self-acceptance and self-compassion.

  4. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Unresolved emotional wounds can contribute to chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues. Inner healing can help alleviate these symptoms by addressing their underlying causes.

  5. Personal Growth and Transformation: Inner healing facilitates personal growth and transformation by allowing individuals to let go of limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve them. This can lead to a greater sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in life.

  6. Moving Forward with Goals: Inner healing helps one to remove blocks that previously were in the way of goals of perhaps losing weight or starting a healthy relationship. It’s important to release the past wounds and the blocks that are stopping us from having a successful and fulfilling life.

    As you can see the potential benefits to inner child healing is unlimited and each individual will benefit in their own personal way.


    Remember one thing: It’s okay to ask for help in life. We only have one life to live. It’s so important to live life to the fullest. Why would anyone want to live a mediocre life of mundane routine living the shadows of the inner child when they can live their life to the optimal state of being? There is a little work involved in inner child healing; however, as you can see from this article, the benefits are priceless.

    Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing Your Inner Child to Manifest Your Dreams.

    Take the Inner Child Quiz and see if you have past wounds affecting you as an adult.

    Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center Website



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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

What is Life Coaching? Rachel Devine

Sometimes we need to evaluate where our life is going and how we can get there. Living in a day to day routine stifles growth and potential. It’s like being on a hamster wheel, day in an day out, running furiously and getting nowhere. At a certain point you might ask yourself, is this all there is to my life? Well, I can tell you life can be much more than the daily routine. And a life coach can definitely help.

Life coaches are personal growth guides who help individuals achieve their goals, overcome obstacles, and unlock their full potential. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps. A life coach provides the support, accountability, and proven strategies to help you rediscover your passion, redefine your purpose, and transform your life in order to live your best life.

Sometimes we need to evaluate where our life is going and how we can get there. Living in a day to day routine stifles growth and potential. It’s like being on a hamster wheel, day in an day out, running furiously and getting nowhere. At a certain point you might ask yourself, is this all there is to my life? Well, I can tell you life can be much more than the daily routine. And a life coach can definitely help.

Life coaches are personal growth guides who help individuals achieve their goals, overcome obstacles, and unlock their full potential. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps. A life coach provides the support, accountability, and proven strategies to help you rediscover your passion, redefine your purpose, and transform your life in order to live your best life.

In Leo Tolstoy’s book, The Death of Ivan Illich, Ivan lived a mediocre life in a loveless marriage. He found himself with a fatal illness in his mid-forties. As he was lying on his deathbed he said these horrifying words, “No matter how often I may be told, “You cannot understand the meaning of life so do not think about it, but live it," I can no longer do it: I have already done it too long. I cannot now help seeing day and night going round and bringing me to death. That is all I see, for that alone is true. All else is false.”

Unfortunately, Ivan died with regrets over not living his best life.

It’s crucial to live your life on purpose and with meaning.

A life coach can also help you get through challenges in life, from grief, divorce, relationship issues, family strife, etc.

Let’s explore more details about life coaching. Let’s look at what a life coach can do to transform your life with purpose.

Grab the hand of a life coach to help you in your journey through life.

What is a life coach?

A life coach is a professional mentor who partners with clients to help them identify and work towards their personal and professional goals. Unlike a therapist who focuses on past traumas, a life coach takes a forward-looking approach, empowering you to create an actionable roadmap for success. Through one-on-one sessions, a life coach acts as your personal cheerleader, strategist, and accountability partner. A life coach is also a mentor when life’s problems arise, helping you to cope and get through these challenging times.

A life coach offers hope.

What are the benefits of life coaching:

  1. Gain Clarity and Focus: Life coaches help you gain clarity on your values, priorities, and aspirations, enabling you to set meaningful goals and stay focused on what truly matters.

  2. Overcome Obstacles and Limiting Beliefs: By identifying and challenging self-limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, a life coach equips you with the tools to overcome obstacles and break through barriers that have been holding you back.

  3. Develop Effective Strategies: Life coaches provide personalized strategies and action plans tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring you have a clear roadmap to achieve your desired outcomes.

  4. Enhance Accountability: Regular check-ins and accountability measures help you stay on track, motivated, and committed to your goals, increasing your chances of success.

  5. Improve Work-Life Balance: With a life coach's guidance, you can learn to prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and create a harmonious balance between your personal and professional lives.

  6. Help in overcoming obstacles in life: A life coach can walk with you during difficult times and give you fresh insights into overcoming obstacles in life. The obstacles might be the grief from the loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, relationship issues, etc.


Transform your life with a life coach.

How life coaching can Transform Your Life:

Life coaching is a transformative journey that empowers you to unlock your full potential and live your best life. It helps you move past challenges and obstacles to clear the path to success. By working with a skilled life coach, you'll gain valuable insights, develop effective strategies, and cultivate the mindset and habits necessary for inner healing, sustainable growth, and success.

Whether you're seeking career advancement, personal growth, improved relationships, overcoming obstacles, or a better work-life balance, a life coach can provide the personalized support and guidance you need to achieve your aspirations. Embrace the opportunity to redefine your path, overcome limitations, and create the life you truly desire with the help of a dedicated life coach. Because at the end of your life you want to leave a legacy behind, not regrets for not living your best life.

Rachel Devine is the author of a new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.

Get your copy now on Amazon now!

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Spring is a Time for New Beginnings & Self-Care - Rachel Devine

Spring is a time for new growth and new beginnings. The daffodils bloom in early spring, along with the blossoms on the Magnolia tree, and the dogwood comes to life. Spring is a time for renewal. As they say, there is a time for every purpose under heaven. The seasons remind us that life does come back after being dormant for the winter. So, what about you? Is it time for your renewal? Is it time for you to spring ahead? Is spring a time to start some self-care practices?

When I was in a relationship many years ago, I was struggling to get my partner’s attention with all the issues he had in his life. I would try to help him out with different aspects of his life. When the relationship ended I realized that all the effort I put in the relationship was in vain and left me feeling drained. So, I took a week off from work and directed all of my own attention on myself. It was a way to build my self-esteem and it was also the start of self-care. I bought myself flowers, got a manicure/pedicure, bought a new outfit, went to a singles barbecue, got my hair done and had the best week ever. At the end of that week, I felt so loved, happy and content, the way I should have felt in the relationship. More importantly, my self-esteem was at an all time high, because I valued myself enough to do all these wonderful self-care practices.

Let’s look at ways to start this spring with self-care and renewal:

Spring is a time for new growth and new beginnings. The daffodils bloom in early spring, along with the blossoms on the Magnolia tree, and the dogwood comes to life. Spring is a time for renewal. As they say, there is a time for every purpose under heaven. The seasons remind us that life does come back after being dormant for the winter. So, what about you? Is it time for your renewal? Is it time for you to spring ahead? Perhaps spring is a time to start some self-care practices. Just like the caterpillar morphs into a beautiful butterfly, you can also transform into your beautiful self.

Let’s look at ways to start this spring with self-care and renewal:


Self-care is very understated in our society, especially for women, who generally care about everyone around them but themselves. This leaves little time for self-care. However, self-care is crucial because we want to be in a good state to help others. As the old saying goes, if the plane is going down, put the oxygen mask on yourself, because if you don't, you can’t help anyone else. Therefore, self-care is important, and it’s really good to know that, unless you have little children, the only person you are responsible for is yourself. That is very liberating to acknowledge. Also, when you practice self-care you are building on your self-esteem.

Self-care routine

Here are some ways to bring self-care into your world:

  • Pamper yourself with a massage or a nice relaxing bath.

  • Take time to meditate, pray, or walk in nature.

  • Spend money on yourself from time to time, or buy yourself flowers.

  • Eat healthy and exercise as often as you can.

  • Say no and set boundaries when someone takes advantage of your time.

  • Schedule time to relax just for you, and don’t let anyone infringe on that time.

  • Take a relaxing trip as a way to recharge your batteries, even if it’s just for the weekend.

  • Take a course that will enlighten you or make you feel happy.

  • Sit in a room with scented candles in order to relax your inner world.

Benefits of self-care

  • It prevents stress and overextending yourself.

  • It helps your mental state to be clear and calm.

  • It helps your overall health.

  • It helps with inner healing from the past.

  • It helps you relax more.

  • It helps you feel more confident in yourself.

  • It helps you feel happy and valued.

  • Self-care builds on your self-esteem.

Inner healing and self-care

Self-care is the catalyst for inner healing. When we take care of ourselves, it helps heal past wounds of being taken advantage of. It can also be the start of a new way of living that will enhance your life. Self-care is not selfish; it’s a way to pamper yourself and be good to yourself. The message you give yourself when you pamper yourself is, “I am worth it.” Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will? Sure, you can still be there for others' sake, but it’s important to also be there for yourself. Inner healing really does start with self-care practices, as one will eventually gravitate toward ways to heal from past issues.

Inner child healing

Your inner child has had past wounds inflicted on him or her whether you realize it or not. Whenever you do an act of kindness for yourself, you do that act of kindness for your inner child, who is a very real part of you. The more you nurture your inner child with self-care practices, the more you will gravitate towards a better relationship with yourself and those around you. It’s imperative to treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others. The energy we put out into the world comes back to us.

In closing, I want to remind you that taking care of yourself is the single most important thing you can do in life. It is a way to let your inner child know that you are going to be there for him or her and nurture and care for them. That message alone will help you feel happier, along with all the benefits from self-care practices directed towards you. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have in life. Doesn’t it make sense to treat yourself with love and kindness? If you do, love and kindness will trickle down to all your relationships. Therefore, I urge you to step outside of the daily routine and consider doing a few of the self-care suggestions so you are on your way to a happier and more content life.

Rachel Devine is the author of a new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.





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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Spring is a Time for New Beginnings & Self-Care - Rachel Devine

Spring is a time for new growth and new beginnings. The daffodils bloom in early spring, along with the blossoms on the Magnolia tree, and the dogwood comes to life. Spring is a time for renewal. As they say, there is a time for every purpose under heaven. The seasons remind us that life does come back after being dormant for the winter. So, what about you? Is it time for your renewal? Is it time for you to spring ahead? Is spring a time to start some self-care practices?

When I was in a relationship many years ago, I was struggling to get my partner’s attention with all the issues he had in his life. I would try to help him out with different aspects of his life. When the relationship ended I realized that all the effort I put in the relationship was in vain and left me feeling drained. So, I took a week off from work and directed all of my own attention on myself. It was a way to build my self-esteem and it was also the start of self-care. I bought myself flowers, got a manicure/pedicure, bought a new outfit, went to a singles barbecue, got my hair done and had the best week ever. At the end of that week, I felt so loved, happy and content, the way I should have felt in the relationship. More importantly, my self-esteem was at an all time high, because I valued myself enough to do all these wonderful self-care practices.

Let’s look at ways to start this spring with self-care and renewal:

Spring is a time for new growth and new beginnings. The daffodils bloom in early spring, along with the blossoms on the Magnolia tree, and the dogwood comes to life. Spring is a time for renewal. As they say, there is a time for every purpose under heaven. The seasons remind us that life does come back after being dormant for the winter. So, what about you? Is it time for your renewal? Is it time for you to spring ahead? Is spring a time to start some self-care practices?

When I was in a relationship many years ago, I was struggling to get my partner’s attention with all the issues he had in his life. I would try to help him out with different aspects of his life. When the relationship ended I realized that all the effort I put in the relationship was in vain and left me feeling drained. So, I took a week off from work and directed all of my own attention on myself. It was a way to build my self-esteem and it was also the start of self-care. I bought myself flowers, got a manicure/pedicure, bought a new outfit, went to a singles barbecue, got my hair done and had the best week ever. At the end of that week, I felt so loved, happy and content, the way I should have felt in the relationship. More importantly, my self-esteem was at an all time high, because I valued myself enough to do all these wonderful self-care practices.

Let’s look at ways to start this spring with self-care and renewal:


Self-care is very understated in our society, especially for women, who generally care about everyone around them but themselves. This leaves little time for self-care. However, self-care is crucial because we want to be in a good state to help others. As the old saying goes, if the plane is going down, put the oxygen mask on yourself, because if you don't, you can’t help anyone else. Therefore, self-care is important, and it’s really good to know that, unless you have little children, the only person you are responsible for is yourself. That is very liberating to acknowledge. Also, when you practice self-care you are building on your self-esteem.

Self-care routine

Here are some ways to bring self-care into your world:

  • Pamper yourself with a massage or a nice relaxing bath.

  • Take time to meditate or walk in nature.

  • Spend money on yourself from time to time, or buy yourself flowers.

  • Eat healthy and exercise as often as you can.

  • Say no and set boundaries when someone takes advantage of your time.

  • Schedule time to relax just for you, and don’t let anyone infringe on that time.

  • Take a relaxing trip as a way to recharge your batteries, even if it’s just for the weekend.

  • Take a course that will enlighten you or make you feel happy.

  • Sit in a room with scented candles in order to relax your inner world.

Benefits of self-care

  • It prevents stress and overextending yourself.

  • It helps your mental state to be clear and calm.

  • It helps your overall health.

  • It helps with inner healing from the past.

  • It helps you relax more.

  • It helps you feel more confident in yourself.

  • It helps you feel happy and valued.

  • Self-care builds on your self-esteem.

Inner healing and self-care

Self-care is the catalyst for inner healing. When we take care of ourselves, it helps heal past wounds of being taken advantage of. It can also be the start of a new way of living that will enhance your life. Self-care is not selfish; it’s a way to pamper yourself and be good to yourself. Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will? Sure, you can still be there for others' sake, but it’s important to also be there for yourself. Inner healing really does start with self-care practices, as one will eventually gravitate toward ways to heal from past issues.

Inner child healing

Your inner child has had past wounds inflicted on him or her whether you realize it or not. Whenever you do an act of kindness for yourself, you do that act of kindness for your inner child, who is a very real part of you. The more you nurture your inner child with self-care practices, the more you will gravitate towards a better relationship with yourself and those around you.

In closing, I want to remind you that taking care of yourself is the single most important thing you can do in life. It is a way to let your inner child know that you are going to be there for him or her and nurture and care for them. That message alone will help you feel happier, along with all the benefits from self-care practices directed towards you. You relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have in your life. Doesn’t it make sense to treat yourself with love and kindness? If you do, love and kindness will trickle down to all your relationships. Therefore, I urge you to step outside of the daily routine and consider doing a few of the self-care suggestions so you are on your way to a happier and more content life.

Rachel Devine is the author of a new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.





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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Spring Contest: Enter to Win 2 Free Gifts - Rachel Devine

Enter to win 2 free gifts, one ebook, Discover the Power of the Secret WIthin, the other one is a guide to living life on purpose.

Everyone loves to win free gifts. This is my spring contest of new beginnings. The free gifts can literally transform your life. Certain things in life are meant to be and if it is meant for you to win these gifts, it all will happen for a reason beyond anyone’s scope of comprehension. Of course, you have to be in it to win it!

You have an opportunity to win two free gifts. One is a valuable copy of my ebook, Discover the Power of the Secret Within & a copy of my video guide, Living Life on Purpose ($17 value).

Here is part of an Amazon review for my book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within. “I think it is a treasure trove of knowledge that will change a lot of lives!” Dawn K.

All you have to do is enter to win. The contest will run through the end of April, 2024.

Just fill out the form below. I will pick a winner on May 1, 2024 and the winner will be notified. Please be assured, your contact information will never be shared with anyone.

To enter the contest fill out the form below and hit submit.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

What is, Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center all about? Rachel Devine

You might have seen some of my facebook posts about my website Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center. You may also be asking yourself, “what’s this website all about?”

Well, below is a short audio with a synopsis of what my website is all about and how it can transform your life.

So, take 2 minutes to listen to this audio, it can literally change your life!

You might have seen some of my social media posts about my website Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center. You may also be asking yourself, “what’s this website all about?”

Well, below is a short audio with a synopsis of what my website is all about and how it can transform your life.

So, take 2 minutes to listen to this audio, it can literally change your life!

Click on the link below to hear a synopsis of my website.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Finding Peace Within Yourself - Rachel Devine

Let’s face it, life has its ups and downs and can sometimes go sideways as well. Life is a journey, and each one of us has different highs and lows. No one can predict what tomorrow will bring, but we can stand firm in our inner foundation of peace. Having this solid inner foundation is key to having peace even during the storms of life.

Annie Dillard put it so succinctly when she said:

“No one escapes the wilderness on the way to the promised land.”

That pretty much says it all. No one will ever find peace in their adverse circumstances or world events. However, we can find peace within. Detaching from the adverse circumstances is important. How you view a certain situation determines how much power it has over you. Keeping a steady diet of peaceful techniques is key to building the foundation to withstand the storms of life and own your power.

7 techniques to build a peaceful foundation within:

Let’s face it, life has its ups and downs and can sometimes go sideways as well. Life is a journey, and each one of us has different highs and lows. No one can predict what tomorrow will bring, but we can stand firm on our inner foundation of peace. Having this solid inner foundation is key to having peace even during the storms of life.

Annie Dillard put it so succinctly when she said:

“No one escapes the wilderness on the way to the promised land.”

That pretty much says it all. No one will ever find peace in their adverse circumstances or world events. However, we can find peace within. Detaching from the adverse circumstances is important. How you view a certain situation determines how much power it has over you. Keeping a steady diet of peaceful techniques is key to building the foundation to withstand the storms of life and own your power. These peaceful techniques can transform your life!

Inner Peace Examples.

Inner Peace Examples:

  1. Practice mindfulness and present-moment awareness. Turbulent times often come from dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness teaches you to stay grounded in the present moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judging them. You are safe if you stay focused on the moment. This can help you bypass the mental loops that cause stress.

  2. Cultivate gratitude: Make a conscious effort to appreciate the good things in your life, no matter how small. Gratitude shifts your focus away from problems and allows you to recognize the positive aspects that already exist. Keep a gratitude journal or take time each day to reflect on what you're grateful for.

  3. Practice acceptance: While you can't control everything that happens, you can control how you respond. Accepting circumstances you cannot change with equanimity can bring a sense of peace. Acceptance equals serenity. Additionally, setting strong boundaries with people that disturb your peace of mind is a big step in finding inner peace. You have a choice to detach with love.

  4. Spend time in nature. Being in natural settings has a calming effect on the mind and body. Go for a walk in the park, sit by a lake, or simply observe the clouds passing by. Nature can provide a sense of interconnectedness and perspective and bring much peace into your world.

  5. Engage in relaxation techniques: Practices like deep breathing, meditation, gentle yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation can calm your mind and release physical tension. Find techniques that resonate with you and make them a regular habit. And light a candle to bring some fragrance and light to the mix.

  6. Nurture your spiritual side: Whether through religion, philosophy, or personal beliefs, connecting with a sense of meaning and purpose larger than yourself can bring comfort and grounding during challenging periods. Connecting to your Higher Power, or as I call Him, God, can bring solace during a crisis and peace during any season of life. Connecting to the Spirit within is important to discovering peace and inner support. Remember, God is peace.

  7. Seek social support: confiding in loved ones, joining a support group, or speaking with a therapist or life coach can help you process difficult emotions and gain new perspectives. Be around people who celebrate you. Feeling understood and not alone in your struggles can be immensely therapeutic.

Practicing all or some of these peaceful examples will help you on your quest for serenity. Remember, finding inner peace is a journey, not a destination. Be patient and compassionate with yourself, and trust that even the most turbulent storms will eventually pass. As the old adage says, “this too shall pass,” and it always does.

Your Inner Spirit:

We all have an extraordinary spirit within that brings us much peace and guidance. Our inner spirit directs us on our journey through life in the form of our intuition. When we listen to this inner whisper, we are usually steered away from dangerous situations or brought to joyful ones. The way to listen to this spirit within is through meditation. Meditation will take you from a turbulent day to a peaceful one. Meditation is a way to connect with your inner spirit. Picture the ripples on a brook; the ripples are the turbulence, but if you go beyond the ripples, you will find a peaceful haven in the water where calm awaits you. Incorporating even 10 minutes a day of meditation will change your life into a more serene way of being. It will give your mind a peaceful retreat from the hurried pace of everyday thoughts.

Meditation is one way to find peace in your life.

In conclusion, remember that life has many hills and valleys we must all travel on. However, the key is getting to a point where, no matter what happens in your life, you have a firm foundation of peace within yourself that withstands any storm that comes your way.

 Rachel Devine is the author of her new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.




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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

How to Overcome the Loss of a Pet: Free Video on Grief - Rachel Devine

Losing a pet is one of the most devastating trauma’s one can go through. The pain can be unbearable. You might ask yourself, why is it so painful? Believe it or not, the answer lies in your childhood. Your pet, for the most part, has typically been the most unconditionally loving part of one’s life. Let’s face it, not too many people are capable of loving unconditionally. A loving dog or cat loves totally unconditionally and that soul to soul love is very rare. So where does our childhood come into play? When our inner child needs are not met from age birth to 7 years, we grow up yearning to have that void within fulfilled. Our pet is quite amazing when it comes to filling our void within with unconditional love and our inner child is thrilled. Of course all of this is done on a subconscious level. So it stands to reason when your loving pet dies, part of the inner child dies along with it and this leaves one in an extremely vulnerable state with an incredible amount of pain and sorrow. Inner healing is crucial to overcome any type of grief.

Losing a pet is one of the most devastating traumas one can go through. The pain can be unbearable. You might ask yourself, Why is it so painful? Believe it or not, the answer lies in your childhood. Your pet, for the most part, has typically been the most unconditionally loving part of one’s life. Let’s face it, not too many people are capable of loving unconditionally. A loving dog or cat loves totally unconditionally, and that kind of soul-to-soul love is very rare. So where does our childhood factor come into play? When our inner child needs are not met from birth to age 7, we grow up yearning to have that void filled. Our pet is quite amazing when it comes to filling our void within with unconditional love, and our inner child is thrilled. Of course, all of this is done on a subconscious level. So it stands to reason that when your loving pet dies, part of the inner child dies along with it, and this leaves one in an extremely vulnerable state with an incredible amount of pain and sorrow. The pain can be devastating. Inner healing is crucial to overcoming any type of grief. It is also crucial to grieve the loss of the pet in order to heal.

You must process grief, when it is happening, for it to be eradicated from your life. If you don’t, it will come back to haunt you in the future without warning. This happened to me when my dog Luke died in 2018. I was devastated by the loss. I didn’t realize fully the dynamics of my inner child dying along with my dog Luke at the time. Consequently, I was hit with a devastating emotional trigger that came out of left field regarding the death of my grandmother at the age of 7. I was brought emotionally back to her funeral and the terror I felt. The trigger was overwhelming and filled me with fear. Luckily, I was able to recognize what was happening and get help. It’s crucial to have someone to talk it out with that totally understands the problem. My experience taught me so much about the inner child factor and grief.

It’s imperative to process grief when it happens, on any level, so it doesn’t hit you in the future like a runaway bullet. Processing grief is the single most loving thing you can do for yourself when a pet or a loved one dies. This applies to any kind of grief. You can also look at your inner child and recognize aspects that are in pain. When you heal your inner child, you heal your life as an adult and it lessens the odds of being hit with an emotional trigger from the past. Grieving the loss of anyone is a crucial part of inner healing.

My free online video, How to Overcome the Loss of a Pet, gives you a step by step guide in getting to the root of the pain from childhood and helping one process the grief of losing your pet and part of your inner child.The awareness you will receive from my video on pet grief will put you in the right direction of healing from the pain and moving on. The video is absolutely free, so take advantage of this opportunity, or pass it along to a friend who is grieving the loss of a pet.

I wish you much peace on your inner healing journey from grief and loss. If you need help with processing your grief, in any form, please contact me. I offer life coaching support.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.

Life Coach support

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

What is an Emotional Trigger? And How to Deal with them - Rachel Devine

Have you ever been around someone who reacted to a minor situation in a way that was over the top? Have you ever been around a person whose anger is way out of proportion to the angry event? Or perhaps you were around an adult who has violent tendencies. These people are experiencing emotional triggers. Emotional triggers come out of left field and instill havoc in ones psyche. Inner healing is the key to getting rid of the triggers. I know, because I experienced my own share of emotional triggers and I can tell you first hand they can be overwhelming. I did a ton of research on emotional triggers that I share with you.

Let’s explore emotional triggers in detail and see how to deal with them.

Have you ever been around someone who reacted to a minor situation in a way that was over the top? Have you ever been around a person whose anger is way out of proportion to the angry event? Or perhaps you were around an adult who has violent tendencies. These people are experiencing emotional triggers. Emotional triggers come out of left field and instill havoc in ones psyche. Inner healing is the key to getting rid of the triggers. I know, because I experienced my own share of emotional triggers and I can tell you first hand they can be overwhelming. I did a ton of research on emotional triggers that I share with you.

Let’s explore emotional triggers in detail and see how to deal with them.

What are emotional triggers?

Emotional triggers are sudden fear, anger, panic, or sadness, grief, feelings of being overwhelmed, out of control, abandoned, or helpless. They come out of left field as flashbacks, which could involve reliving a memory, emotions, physical sensations or physical symptoms such as a racing heart, rapid breathing, or shaking.

Triggers can stem from many disorders, from obsessive-compulsive disorder to substance abuse to PTSD, depression, and anxiety to name a few. Part of root the cause can be traced back to childhood trauma and experiences.

A person’s strong reaction to being triggered may come as a surprise to others because the response seems out of proportion to the stimulus. But this is because the triggered individual is mentally reliving the original trauma.

For example, an adult who experienced fear of abandonment as a child might feel triggered by an unanswered text. The uncertainty of why they didn’t receive a response may cause them to relive feelings of abandonment, that come unexpectedly.

What causes emotional triggers?: 

  • Anniversaries of traumatic events (car accident, death in the family, divorce or other trauma)

  • Certain locations, buildings, or environments are associated with trauma

  • Specific sounds (sirens, screams, gunshots, etc.)

  • Particular smells (smoke, alcohol, perfume, etc.)

  • Seeing certain people or types of people

  • Relationship conflicts or dynamics reminiscent of past abuse

  • Media depictions of violence, war, abuse, etc.

  • Physical or medical situations that feel threatening

  • Being fired from a job

  • Relationship breakup

  • Sudden death of a loved one or pet

  • Any trauma, minor or major, from childhood

  • Intense arguments

What are emotional responses to triggers?:

  • Anxiety/panic attacks

  • Feelings of terror, dread, or impending disaster

  • Anger/rage that is out of control or violent

  • Sadness/depressive episodes

  • Shame/feeling worthless

  • Detachment/dissociation

  • Flashbacks/intrusive memories

  • Physical reactions (shaking, sweating, nausea, etc.)

  • Avoidance of triggers or numbing emotions

  • Hypervigilance or being on high alert

  • Difficulties with emotional regulation

  • Self-destructive behaviors

  • Relationship conflicts

The emotional responses can be highly intense and feel disconnected from the present circumstances. Managing triggers often requires recognizing when one is triggered, using grounding techniques, and allowing the wave of emotion to peak and eventually subside. When the actual trigger is happening, it’s hard to grab a tool to cope with it. Having a good therapist around can help tremendously. Especially a therapist who specializes in this type of trauma response.

How to cope with emotional triggers:

While emotional triggers can be disturbing, there are strategies that can help minimize their impact:

  1. Identify your triggers: Reflect on the situations, cues, or thoughts that seem to spark excessive emotional responses. Understanding your personal triggers is the first step.

  2. Breathe: When triggered, practice deep breathing exercises to calm your body's stress response. Slowing your breathing can short-circuit a panic episode. Inhale for 4 seconds. Hold 4. Exhale 4. Repeat. Or breathe into a paper bag. Concentrate on the breaths as a distraction.

  3. Use grounding techniques: engage your senses by touching a textured object, smelling something pleasant, or listening to soothing music. This shifts your focus to the present moment.

  4. Reframe your thoughts: Remind yourself that you are not actually in danger in this moment. The trigger has activated an inappropriate fear response based on past events and in the present moment cannot harm you.

  5. Reach out for support: Discuss triggers with a therapist, a friend or life coach, so you can process the emotions when they arise in a safe environment. A therapist is crucial to have.

  6. Get help: Consider professional treatment. For PTSD sufferers, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, or EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), can effectively treat triggers.

  7. Techniques: Another great technique therapists use is brainspotting. Look for a therapist who specializes in this technique.

  8. Talk it out: Life coach can guide you and help talk things out.

In closing, from my own experience, processing any emotional triggers is the way to eliminate them from coming back. The more you can work on each emotional trigger the better you will be. Left unchecked, these triggers can cause havoc in your life. With patience and professional guidance, emotional triggers can be defused before they spiral into more severe anxiety or traumatic responses. The key is developing healthy coping strategies to manage and ultimately desensitize these exaggerated fear reactions rooted in past hurt. And it’s imperative to heal the inner child, which is the root of most triggers. I can’t stress enough the importance of getting a good therapist or life coach to help cope with triggers.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center

Life Coach available

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Audio of the Preface - The Third Road -Rachel Devine

Are you searching for some peace from the turmoil of the world? Are you looking for more meaning in life? Do you want to discover a new way of seeing the world?

The Third Road is a book I wrote that brings peace to a turbulent world. It gently leads one to awaken their spirituality and helps one discover their purpose in life. This audio preface will provide details on what the book is all about. Some people have had life-changing experiences from reading my book.

Here is an Amazon review:

“This book was uplifting and positive. It gave me a sense of truly knowing that the power that dwells within is real, and I have access to this power whenever I want it. Most importantly, I am not alone. This book is thought-provoking and gives great ideas on how to discover my purpose in life. In fact, the book makes you think about certain profound values that I never thought about before. Finally, it takes one on a journey into themselves. I highly recommend this book, especially with this pandemic. You will never feel alone again.”

Take 12 minutes to listen to this audio that can literally change your life. Link directly below.

Are you searching for some peace from the turmoil of the world? Are you looking for more meaning in life? Do you want to discover a new way of seeing the world?

The Third Road is a book I wrote that brings peace to a turbulent world. It gently leads one to awaken their spirituality and helps one discover their purpose in life. This audio preface will provide details on what the book is all about. Some people have had life-changing experiences from reading my book, which transformed their life.

Here is an Amazon review:

“This book was uplifting and positive. It gave me a sense of truly knowing that the power that dwells within is real, and I have access to this power whenever I want it. Most importantly, I am not alone. This book is thought-provoking and gives great ideas on how to discover my purpose in life. In fact, the book makes you think about certain profound values that I never thought about before. Finally, it takes one on a journey into themselves. I highly recommend this book, especially with this pandemic. You will never feel alone again.”

Take 12 minutes to listen to this audio that can literally change your life. Click on this link for the audio preface and scroll down to, The Third Road, in the link.

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.

Instant ebook download of, The Third Road.

Get your Free Gift - see the link below.

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Inner child Rachel Devine Inner child Rachel Devine

Take the Inner Child Quiz for Healing: Step by Step Audio Guide - Rachel Devine

Each one of us has something in life that keeps us from moving forward or perhaps negatively impacts our relationships, or keeps us hostage in our addictions or obsessions. This would include food addictions, as well as drugs and alcohol.

Inner healing starts with recognizing our inner child wounds. I can confidently say we all have some inner child wounds that fester within us, sometimes for many years. These inner wounds continue to cause negative patterns that are destructive to our lives. The key to healing is to know what you need to heal from. The inner child quiz has 12 pertinent questions that can help you access your own inner child wounds. Furthermore, each answer to the questions will give you a good idea on what area you actually need healing.

Each one of us has something in life that keeps us from moving forward or perhaps negatively impacts our relationships, or keeps us hostage in our addictions or obsessions. This would include food addictions, as well as drugs and alcohol.

Inner healing starts with recognizing our inner child wounds. I can confidently say we all have some inner child wounds that fester within us, sometimes for many years. These inner wounds continue to cause negative patterns that are destructive to our lives. The key to healing is to know what you need to heal from. The inner child quiz has 12 pertinent questions that can help you access your own inner child wounds. Furthermore, each answer to the questions will give you a good idea on what area you actually need healing.

Take the inner child quiz. This is the quiz on my website. Or you can take the inner child test with my audio guide below.

Once you take the quiz there are several ways you can start your inner healing. One way is to get my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. You can get an instant ebook download. My book gives a step by step guide to inner child healing.

You can also consider my life coaching, full details on this link.

Or get my free guide to start your healing, How to Heal your Inner Child - 7 Step Video Guide.

And of course a good therapist that deals with inner child issues would be helpful.

The inner child quiz is on the audio link below. If you have any questions, please contact me.

The suggestions on this audio and in this blog are just that, suggestions. The author is not responsible for the outcome and always recommends therapy for those that need it.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

A Self-Care Blueprint for the Introverted Woman - Contributor, Marjorie McMillian

This article is about self-care for the introvert and show ways to optimize your life.

In a world that often celebrates the extroverted, finding solace in introversion can feel like a solitary journey. Yet, for you, the introverted woman, embracing this aspect of your identity can be the first step toward crafting a self-care routine that speaks to the depths of your soul. Tailoring your self-care practices to meet your unique needs is not just beneficial—it's essential for your growth and well-being. In this article, courtesy of Devine Intervention-Inner Healing Center, we’ll go over several ways you can take care of your overall wellness as an introvert.

Carve Out Time for Solitude

For you, solitude is not loneliness but a sanctuary where you find strength and clarity. Dedicate time each day to be alone with your thoughts, whether that means wandering through nature's tranquility or diving into the pages of a book that speaks to your heart. These moments of solitude are your time to disconnect from the world's noise and connect deeply with yourself, fostering an environment where self-reflection leads to personal growth and rejuvenation.

Establish and Communicate Boundaries

Recognizing and communicating your need for solitude is a profound form of self-care. Assertively setting boundaries with those around you safeguards your energy and creates space for relationships that honor and respect your need for quiet. This practice strengthens your sense of self-respect and ensures that your social interactions enrich rather than deplete you. It’s a declaration of your worth and a step towards nurturing more meaningful connections.

Seek Support in Overcoming Challenges

Many introverts have a hard time asking for assistance. If you're navigating the complexities of addiction, remember, seeking help is a strength, not a weakness. Alcohol rehabilitation centers offer the support and resources needed to overcome dependence, marking a crucial step in your self-care journey. Embracing this support not only signifies a commitment to your physical health but also to your emotional and psychological recovery, setting the foundation for a life of fulfillment and health.

Nurture Your Body with Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Caring for your body through mindful nutrition and hydration is a foundational act of self-love. Embrace a diet that fuels your body and soul, and make hydration a priority to maintain your energy and mood. The physical act of nourishing your body attentively can have a transformative effect on your overall well-being, empowering you to face each day with renewed vitality and a positive outlook.

Integrate Mindfulness into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily life opens the door to a deeper connection with yourself and the world. Practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga invite you to experience the present moment fully, fostering a sense of peace and reducing stress. By dedicating time to mindfulness, you cultivate a serene inner landscape, enhancing your emotional resilience and capacity for introspection.

Cultivate Self-Compassion

Extend to yourself the kindness and compassion you readily offer others. Recognize that imperfection is part of the shared human experience and allow yourself to celebrate the small victories on your journey. Practicing self-compassion lays the groundwork for personal growth and well-being, creating a nurturing internal dialogue that supports your journey toward self-acceptance and love.

Design Your Personal Sanctuary

Creating a personal sanctuary within your home offers a tangible retreat from the external world, a place where you can recharge and find peace. Fill this space with elements that soothe your senses, like soft textures, gentle music, and calming scents, crafting an environment that supports your well-being. This personal haven is a testament to your commitment to self-care, a physical space dedicated to your journey of self-discovery and relaxation.

Embracing your introverted nature and integrating these self-care strategies into your life invites a journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. Remember, self-care is not indulgence but a necessary practice for living a balanced and meaningful life. Let these strategies guide you toward a deeper understanding of yourself, enhancing your quality of life and empowering you to flourish in your unique way.

Devine Intervention-Inner Healing Center offers life coaching services as well as relationship tips and other wellness resources. Have a question for author Rachel Devine? Reach out today.

Special contributor - Marjorie McMillian - Website ‘Come on Get Well’.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Audio Excerpt of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine

My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within is changing lives. Perhaps you have no idea what it’s all about. Do you have 10 minutes to spare? I created an audio excerpt of the preface of the book in order to tell everyone what my new book is about. Take a few minutes to listen to how this book can transform your life!

Here are some very positive early reviews from those who have read it.

I was up past midnight reading your book, I couldn’t put it down. TB

This book is going to change many lives. DK

I lost two nights of sleep reading your book, but it was worth it. TK

My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within is changing lives. Perhaps you have no idea what it’s all about. Do you have 12 minutes to spare? I created an audio excerpt of the preface of the book in order to tell everyone what my new book is about. Take a few minutes to listen to how this book can transform your life!

Here are some very positive early reviews from those who have read it.

I was up past midnight reading your book, I couldn’t put it down. TB

This book is going to change many lives. DK

I lost two nights of sleep reading your book, but it was worth it. TK

Just click on the link below to listen to a short excerpt from my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.

When you are done listening to the excerpt you can take the, Inner Child Quiz, to see access your own inner child:

You can take the Inner Child Quiz on this link.

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