Take the Inner Child Quiz for Healing: Step by Step Audio Guide - Rachel Devine

Each one of us has something in life that keeps us from moving forward or perhaps negatively impacts our relationships, or keeps us hostage in our addictions or obsessions. This would include food addictions, as well as drugs and alcohol.

Inner healing starts with recognizing our inner child wounds. I can confidently say we all have some inner child wounds that fester within us, sometimes for many years. These inner wounds continue to cause negative patterns that are destructive to our lives. The key to healing is to know what you need to heal from. The inner child quiz has 12 pertinent questions that can help you access your own inner child wounds. Furthermore, each answer to the questions will give you a good idea on what area you actually need healing.

Take the inner child quiz. This is the quiz on my website. Or you can take the inner child test with my audio guide below.

Once you take the quiz there are several ways you can start your inner healing. One way is to get my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. You can get an instant ebook download. My book gives a step by step guide to inner child healing.

You can also consider my life coaching, full details on this link.

Or get my free guide to start your healing, How to Heal your Inner Child - 7 Step Video Guide.

And of course a good therapist that deals with inner child issues would be helpful.

The inner child quiz is on the audio link below. If you have any questions, please contact me.

The suggestions on this audio and in this blog are just that, suggestions. The author is not responsible for the outcome and always recommends therapy for those that need it.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.


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