What is Inner Healing?

Let’s explore how inner healing can transform your life!

What is Inner Healing and How Can it Transform Your Life?

Inner healing is a process of emotional and spiritual healing from past inner wounds, trauma, and pain to alleviate adverse negative wounds that continue to affect one’s life as an adult.

Many of us, including myself, have found ourselves either in a rut or with a continuous challenge in life. For instance, you may have wanted to lose weight for years but can’t make any headway. Or perhaps you want to start a new business, but you aren’t quite able to get there. Or maybe you have continuous romantic relationship issues. Or perhaps continuous problems with family or work issues. Usually, these issues stem from blocks that formed from inner wounds from our past. These blocks lay heavy on our subconscious mind, where we are not even aware of the problem. Buried in each of us is some kind of childhood or past wound that is lying dormant. Unfortunately, these wounds dictate the direction our lives will go in. Our subconscious mind dictates 95% of our life actions! That’s an astonishing fact to digest. Therefore, if you have buried wounds in the subconscious mind, these wounds blocks can cause havoc in one’s life. The reason is that the same old tapes are playing in our heads from the past that caused the inner child's subconscious mind wounds. Furthermore, moving forward in life in a successful manner is hard with all of that stuff going on.

Inner healing is a way to get to the root of the problem and change it. There are ways to penetrate the subconscious mind to change it from a negative to a positive. Just think about how your life would be transformed if you changed the subconscious mind to a positive state. Remember, the subconscious mind dictates 95% of your decisions and actions in life. The good news is we can change our subconscious to a positive state that will drive our life in a positive direction. Inner child healing is the road to freedom.

Inner healing is crucial to having a successful and healthy life. It may take a little probing, but doing an inventory of where you are in life and where you want to be is a great start to inner healing. Awareness in any aspect of our lives is crucial to healing. I suggest you sit down in a quiet room and evaluate where your life is and where you want your life to be, let’s say, in six months. Visualize it in a vivid way, as if your life is already at that 6-month point. Visualization is one way to start changing the subconscious mind from a negative to a positive. Yes, there is some work involved in inner healing, but the benefits are priceless. I would also journal on what you discover about yourself, as journaling is important with inner healing. It’s important to recognize patterns from the past that correlate with our present circumstances.

What are techniques for inner healing:

  1. Journaling and Self-Reflection: Writing about one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences can promote self-awareness and facilitate the processing of emotions. Journaling can be a powerful tool for inner healing.

  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices such as mindfulness meditation can help individuals cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and develop a greater sense of inner peace and self-acceptance.

  3. Inner Child Work: This approach involves reconnecting with and nurturing one's inner child, the part of the self that experienced wounds or traumas in childhood. It can involve visualization, inner dialogues, or symbolic activities. It is recommended you do this work with a professional on inner child wounds.

  4. Energy Healing Techniques: Some individuals find techniques like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, brainspotting, or other energy healing modalities helpful in releasing emotional blockages and promoting inner healing.

  5. Support Groups: Participating in support groups with individuals who have had similar experiences can provide a sense of community, validation, and shared understanding, which can be invaluable in the healing process.

  6. Inner Healing Therapy and Counseling: Working with a qualified therapist or counselor can provide a safe and supportive environment for exploring and addressing past wounds. Modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, or trauma-focused therapies can be highly effective.

It's important to note that inner healing is a deeply personal journey, and different techniques may resonate with different individuals. It's often helpful to explore various approaches and seek guidance from qualified professionals to find the most effective path to healing and growth.

What are benefits of inner healing:

  1. Emotional Freedom: Inner healing helps individuals release emotional baggage, such as fear, anger, resentment, or shame, that may have been carried from past experiences. This emotional freedom allows for a more positive and fulfilling life.

  2. Improved Relationships: By addressing and healing past wounds, individuals can develop healthier relationships with themselves and others. They become more capable of trust, intimacy, and effective communication.

  3. Increased Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance: The process of inner healing often involves gaining a deeper understanding of oneself, including one's strengths, weaknesses, and core values. This self-awareness can lead to greater self-acceptance and self-compassion.

  4. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Unresolved emotional wounds can contribute to chronic stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues. Inner healing can help alleviate these symptoms by addressing their underlying causes.

  5. Personal Growth and Transformation: Inner healing facilitates personal growth and transformation by allowing individuals to let go of limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve them. This can lead to a greater sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in life.

  6. Moving Forward with Goals: Inner healing helps one to remove blocks that previously were in the way of goals of perhaps losing weight or starting a healthy relationship. It’s important to release the past wounds and the blocks that are stopping us from having a successful and fulfilling life.


    Inner healing is crucial to a happy life. It’s okay to ask for help. Remember this, we have one life to live, it’s so important to live life to the fullest with the least amount of baggage from the past. Inner healing is designed to heal the past so you have a bright future.

    Take the Inner Child Quiz and see if you have past wounds affecting you as an adult.

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